Çeşnigir Bridge

Çeşnigir Bridge

Historical Information

Çeşnigir Bridge is a historical bridge located between Karakeçili and Köprüköy on the Kızılırmak River. Although the exact construction date of the bridge, which belongs to the Seljuk Period, is not known, it is estimated to be from the 13th century. Additionally, the nearby han (caravanserai) is also from the same period. According to known sources, Çeşnigir Bridge was used by Timur's army that advanced towards the area where the Battle of Ankara would take place in 1402. Therefore, the bridge holds historical importance. Later, during Yavuz Sultan Selim's Egyptian Campaign, it was reconstructed by Mimar Sinan. With the activation of Kapulukaya Dam, Çeşnigir Bridge was left outside the route. However, the base parts of the bridge remain underwater.


Çeşnigir Bridge is 110 meters long and 6 meters wide. It is built on solid foundations on rocky terrain. To ensure that the bridge can sit on a solid ground in the middle section of the Kızılırmak River, it was constructed with a noticeable slope. With this feature, the bridge stands out as a structure that attracts attention in terms of architecture and engineering.

How to Get There?

Çeşnigir Bridge is located between the Karakeçili district of Kırıkkale province and Köprüköy. It can be reached by car, and the closest point to the bridge is Köprüköy. From there, you can take a approximately 6-kilometer journey to reach the bridge. Additionally, there are many taxis or minibuses near the bridge.
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