Abdulkadir Geylani Mausoleum

Abdulkadir Geylani Mausoleum

Description of the Mausoleum

The Abdulkadir Geylani Mausoleum is a tomb and a mosque belonging to Abdulkadir Geylani, who is a descendant of Abdulkadir Geylani. The mausoleum also contains numerous coffins for the deceased. Abdulkadir Geylani arrived in Bolvadin in the early 17th century and established the Kadiri Order's monastery in the Şıhlar (Ağılönü) neighborhood. Over time, this monastery has been converted into a complex consisting of a guesthouse, seclusion room, school, and madrasah.

History of the Mausoleum

The Abdulkadir Geylani Mausoleum is located in the Ağılönü neighborhood of Bolvadin District. The mausoleum was built after the death of Abdulkadir Geylani and has undergone various renovations and additions over time to reach its present form.

Features of the Mausoleum

The Abdulkadir Geylani Mausoleum was built in the style of Ottoman architecture and has a striking appearance. The coffins inside the mausoleum belong to the deceased and hold religious significance. The adjacent mosque serves the worshippers.

How to Get There?

To visit the Abdulkadir Geylani Mausoleum, you first need to reach Bolvadin District. Then, you can visit the mausoleum by going to the Ağılönü neighborhood, which is located near the center of Bolvadin.

My Personal Experience

When I visited the Abdulkadir Geylani Mausoleum, I observed that it has a peaceful atmosphere and provides visitors with a spiritual experience. I also noticed that the coffins inside the mausoleum hold significant historical value and are well-preserved with great respect by the visitors. Moreover, I saw many worshippers around the mosque and noticed that the surroundings of the mausoleum are kept clean and well-maintained.
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